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Clothing, Coffee, Chocolate – Where (and why) to shop fair trade in 2022

Sustainability goes beyond just looking after the environment – it also means ethical conditions for the people who produce our favourite global commodities. Coffee, chocolate, and fashion are amongst the largest contributors to unsustainable working and living conditions.

Photo: Delightin Dee on Unsplash

That’s where Fair Trade comes in. We’ve all seen the logo by now, but why is shopping fair trade so important, and how does choosing these products make a difference?

World Fair Trade Day is one of multiple fair trade celebrations held at this time of year, and exists to raise awareness about unfair conditions and encourage people to shop fairer products. The focus this year is Climate Justice and the problems that climate change poses for farmers and workers globally.

There are a number of Fairtrade organisations around the globe – World Fair Trade Day is organised by the WFTO, an association of 401 international organisations who are dedicated to improving the livelihoods of marginalised producers worldwide. There are now approximately 1.7 million Fairtrade workers across over 70 different countries.

Climate Justice

Farmers and workers are often grossly underpaid – but they are also suffering from increasingly unpredictable weather thanks to climate change, despite being amongst the smallest contributors to the crisis.

The Fairtrade community seeks to hold the largest contributors to climate change accountable for the damage they are causing marginalised workers – asking governments to deliver on their unfulfilled promise of a 100bn climate investment package to aid those affected most.

Fairer products

Fairtrade products are everywhere, so there are no excuses! Supporting workers starts with being more mindful of the products you buy – always check the packaging for fair trade certification. To get more actively involved, check out the Fairtrade Foundation – the UK’s leading fair trade organisation, for ideas.

Here are some of our favourite brands who work to ensure fair conditions for the people behind their planet-friendly products. 

Alpaca Coffee

Alpaca Coffee produces delicious specialty coffees that are sustainable, plastic-free, and fair! They go above and beyond, working directly with their farmers to ensure fair pay for everyone who helps to produce their coffees.

(PS: You can get £5 off your first order. It’s a win all-round!)

Our favourites: 

Brazil Fanzenda Cetec - from £11

Decaf Colombia Mustafa - from £11

Four Left Feet - from £10

Errrrm - from £10

Know The Origin

The clue is in the name – Know The Origin has taken every step to ensure its supply chain is ethical and fair, right from the cotton seed being planted to the garment being sewn. Inspired by the brutal, unfair conditions behind fast fashion, this brand works to empower livelihoods and elevate the fashion industry to a much higher standard.

Our favourites:

Jai Modal Ladies Top Black - £15

Organic Cotton Corduroy Trousers - £63

Men’s Cotton T-Shirt - £40

Star Master Classic Trainers - £55


There’s no need to compromise on ethics when shopping for chocolate! Ombar goes the distance to ensure their product is fully sustainable, paying their farmers in Ecuador higher rates than the fair trade standard. Each ingredient is ethically sourced, from the cacao to the coconut sugar.

Our favourites:

Coco Mylk Raw Chocolate - £2.39

Oat M’lk Chocolate Bar - £2.39

Strawberry Raw Mylk Chocolate - £1.99

Organic Centres with Hazlenut Truffle - £3.29

Jungle Culture

From using locally and sustainably sourced materials to providing opportunities for southern Vietnamese farmers, Jungle Culture’s beautiful homeware products are eco-friendly from each source. Their coconut bowls are made from shells that would’ve otherwise been discarded, so you’ll be reducing waste too!

Our favourites: 

Coconut Bowl - £16.99

Eco-Friendly Cutlery Set - £11.69

Bamboo Straw Set - £8.99

Coconut Scented Candle - £22.99

We’ve got plenty more fair trade brands listed on our website, so be sure to check them out here!

A little effort can make a big difference – and for the workers behind some of the largest global commodities, each mindful fair trade purchase changes lives. Getting into the habit of scanning for the Fairtrade logo will ensure your impact is as positive as possible!

Words by Emily Weedon