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Sustainable Travel - Making a positive impact whilst exploring the world

Tourism has a profound effect on many communities across the globe, but the reality is that it’s not always positive. Tatiana Vélez is launching Aldea Travel to help ensure that money from tourism helps local communities across Latin America. We spoke to Tatiana to find out more about the effects of the travel industry on locals, and how Aldea will make a difference.

Tell us a bit about yourself, and why you’re starting Aldea Travel

My name is Tatiana, I’m a Colombian-Brit absolutely in love with Latin America. I have travelled and lived in Europe, Africa, and Latin America and am absolutely convinced that the best way to travel is by generating a positive impact, the good energy is like a ripple effect.

How is unsustainable travel affecting local communities?

(Un)sustainable travel is a topic that can be divided into many different categories, and how visitors affect local communities has been studied for decades, but it isn't as straightforward as one might think.

Tourists have the ability to directly impact communities with their actions, and those impacts can be positive or negative. Oftentimes, it is clear to us how the community is impacted, and sometimes it is not so apparent, this is why we use a tool to analyse this known as the four pillars framework, to understand the impact we are having on the community.  

Here are some of the common disadvantages of tourism, and the negative impacts it can have on destinations when it is not managed in a sustainable way:


It's not uncommon for tourism to over consume natural resources, especially in places where they're already rare. Tourism puts enormous stress on local land use, and can lead to soil erosion, increased pollution, natural habitat loss, and more pressure on endangered species.

Social and human 

There is often controversy and deep complexity associated with tourism's impact on society and culture. In addition to tourism, globalisation, technology, and the media can impact and change cultures. There is no doubt, however, that tourism, culture, and society are inextricably linked. Tourism can transform culture into a commodity, and that deserves a whole discussion of its own. When traditional culture becomes an attraction that people pay to see, this raises complicated ethical issues.


Tourism can encourage the displacement of locals. Some travel destinations have pushed out locals to make way for luxury resorts and big chains that attract tourists. What results is a degradation of the local economy, culture, and community. 

Low-quality jobs. Tourism does generate jobs for a lot of people, but they're usually low-paying and seasonal, with employees completing menial tasks with little room for progression or career advancement. Many resort industries hire a lot of international staff, particularly for senior positions, leaving local workers with low-level jobs, peanut wages, and no year-round employment.

Economic leakages. Tourism leakages occur when tourism revenues are lost to outside economies. Particularly hard hit are developing nations. Purchasing imported souvenirs or staying in foreign-owned hotels can have significant cumulative effects. Basically, leakage is when a portion of tourism income doesn't stay in the destination. Money ‘leaks’ out to more developed countries. 

How is Aldea Travel hoping to make a difference?

Latin America’s popularity as an attractive destination for travellers has grown since the beginning of the last decade. Between 2010 and 2018, the region experienced an increase of nearly 55 percent in international tourist arrivals.

The World Travel and Tourism Council estimates that the travel and tourism industry accounts for 10.2% of GDP in the Latin America and Caribbean region. However, according to the UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme), for every US$100 spent by a tourist on a holiday to a developing country, only US$5 remains in the host community. That’s a tourism leakage of 95%.

Tourism expenditure is more likely to benefit a small local elite or foreign companies because these are usually the only ones who can provide tourism products that live up to international standards.

Our mission is to create a world where you can travel and catalyse positive impact. We connect travellers with locals that provide experiential and immersive travel experiences fostering fair trade and directly impacting development projects at the destination. 

Aldea is an impact peer to peer marketplace. From tours to expeditions to cooking classes, browse through curated listings to find the ones that fit the way you travel. Delivering growth & prosperity that benefits everyone.

How will the business work, and how will Aldea Travel engage with local communities?


  • Impact peer to peer travel marketplace based in LATAM.

  • Handpicked local guides and curated experiences.

  • Fair trade and true impact.


  • Curated, local guides and experiences.

  • Ensure fair terms of trade where the local is a true beneficiary.

  • Catalyse development at the destination through meaningful donations to NGOs working with the Sustainable Development Goals at heart.

  • Detail oriented & Exclusive.

What challenges have you faced in the early stages of starting a business?

I feel that the biggest challenges when starting a business are the timings, a lot of work and disciplined effort needs to be put in and more often than not entrepreneurs have other jobs to juggle. It is also setting realistic time frames bearing that in mind and understanding that it takes time to set up and start converting all that effort into real income. For me personally, the marketing aspect of the project is the most crucial and has been the most challenging as it is the one I lack knowledge and experience with.

One of your best tips for travelling more sustainably?

Travel one region and slow down. Get to know the place and the community. Consider just one long vacation instead of multiple shorter ones. Once you’ve reached your destination, park yourself in one area for a while instead of hopping from one place to the next.

You will be able to truly experience the place you are visiting if you slow things down. It's easier to immerse yourself in the culture, build deeper relationships with locals, and discover a destination's unique charms when you're not rushed. 

Your favourite travel spot and why?

That is just not possible! I have different travel spots for different purposes, for adventure and nature, depending on the adventure and of the mood, for food and culture there are so many wonderful spots that it is an unfair question, haha. The only thing I can tell is that whenever I travel, I travel for good. 

We at Goodfind are always grateful for the opportunity to hear from new, innovative businesses and how their work will make a difference around the world. Keep an eye out for Aldea Travel’s upcoming launch!

Questions by Emily Weedon, words by Tatiana Vélez, Founder at Aldea Travel