How can I make my home more plastic-free?
In our last blog post we shared some of the biggest facts about plastic usage and waste, and some of them were quite surprising…
We all know the severity of the plastic pollution problem, so let’s do something about it.
Photo by Svitlana on Unsplash
We think it’s important to start from home, evaluating our daily habits and seeing what steps we can take to reduce our plastic consumption and general waste little by little.
A 2021 survey of 2000 adults in the UK shared that 92% of them were concerned about plastic pollution, and we’re sure you are too.
Read on for some easy tips and suggestions you can start using from today!
What are the 3 R’s? Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!
Photo by Benjamin Brunner on Unsplash
First, for if you already get through quite a bit of plastic, here are the 3 R’s.
REDUCE the plastic you consume:
Decide how necessary your plastic purchases are, and if you’ve considered alternatives first.
For example, choose a loose bunch of bananas rather than packaged ones. Markets and zero-waste shops often sell items without packaging.
Go out in person to buy certain items where possible (like food) instead of ordering them by delivery, which often uses more plastic, and contributes to increased greenhouse emissions.
When shopping, bring your own reusable bags rather than paying for plastic ones. Save plastic, and money!
2. REUSE the plastic you currently have in your house until the end of its life, such as:
Reusing plastic takeaway containers for storage, and finding other uses for plastic cutlery (or not asking for any at all).
Turning your old toothbrush into a scrubbing tool for cleaning.
Doing arts and crafts with old plastic bottles- get creative!
Not all plastics are recyclable unfortunately, so it’s important to check your product and packaging labels. The main types that can be recycled are: PET, HDPE, and PVC.
Here’s a list of the most recyclable plastics, and for more tips on plastic recycling, look here.
Make sure you’re rinsing and cleaning your products before putting them in the recycling bin, too.
Note: plastic can typically only be recycled once or twice, whereas aluminium, glass and metal have unlimited recycling opportunities- so recycling is simply a start.
So, how can we replace plastic at home?
Photo by Maria Ilves on Unsplash
Often, we rely on plastic subconsciously, because it’s what we’ve always done.
It’s usually more convenient to pick up bulk products wrapped in plastic without batting an eyelid.
However, that plastic adds up, and most times, it’s pretty unnecessary.
We have a great range of ethical and plastic-free partner brands for you to check out on our site, and they won’t disappoint!
Now you know some ways to reduce your plastic usage, here are some simple plastic replacement steps:
Replace, hand wash, shampoo and conditioner, and shower gel with soap bars.
Opt for reusable food wrapping such as beeswax wraps, rather than cling film.
Use a bamboo toothbrush.
Switch from plastic water bottles to reusable ones made from stainless steel.
Use glass or stainless steel jars instead of plastic containers.
Photo by Jasmin Sessler on Unsplash
It’s little things like these that kickstart a more eco-friendly home life, and you can start from now.
Remember, we can all achieve our plastic-free aims one step at a time.
BUT, we bet you’d benefit from a solution list just right for you- one that caters to your current habits, barriers, needs, and future goals… so watch this space!
For now though, check out the rest of our site, and Instagram for more tips and plastic-waste awareness.
Edited by Jasmine Alakija