All's Fair Tours: Fair trade and trade justice themed tours of Ghana


Themed Tours linking fair trade campaigners and supporters with farmers and workers

Words from All’s Fair Tours:

The UNESCO World Heritage Site along Ghana's Cape Coast contains dozens of sites that tell the story of the Transatlantic Slave Trade.  Understanding this story is vital for those of us who are seeking to change the present and future of global trade.  

But there is so much more to Ghana than its place in the history of the Transatlantic Slave Trade, and the European colonial project. Our tour takes you on a journey through the past, present and future of global trade.  After visits to Cape Coast Castle, Elmina Fort and Assin Manso Slave River and Graveyard you will visit Kumasi - the old colonial capital of the Gold Coast (as Ghana was known before independence). You will stay in the heart of a cocoa growing area, and visit a Fairtrade certified cocoa farm. And you'll visit the Shahamana Farms project which is training cocoa farmers to add value to their cocoa beans through some simple additional processing and to produce chocolate on the farm. This is truly bean to bar, cultivator to consumer chocolate.



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