Amazinc! : The most sustainable UV mineral filter known to men!


Natural and functional skincare that is gentle to our skin as well as to the nature around us.


Most commercial sun screens use substances that are dangerous for marine life, corals and wild life in general. We think, that it’s silly to poison our playgrounds, our mountains and our oceans with compounds that can harm it forever. Standard chemical sunscreens use substances like oxybenzone, that even in very low concentration harms marine life. Non coated NANO particles of zinc oxide or titanium oxide aren’t any better. With all that in mind we reached a conclusion; as far as science goes these days bulk form of zinc oxide is the safest for the environment. Let us explain you why how we reached this conclusion.

Plastic Free Packaging–Chemical Free content!


We consider mineral oil as the blood of our planet. Mineral oil is a miracle and is used in many different industries and products however we believe it has no business being on your skin. Quite often the cosmetic industry uses oil in an effort to conserve their products. Parabens (as the compounds are called) are quite complicated and have not yet been properly researched. 

Anyways, we would not put mineral oil on our face, would you?


And why are we so bothered by this topic? Well it is fairly simple. Oceans make up 2/3 of the planet Earth. They provide millions of people with the means to make a living and millions more with essential food. Moreover, Oceans are keeping worlds environment in balance. Scientists discovered that Oceans have the ability to absorb CO2, one of the main greenhouse gasses produced by humans. Oceans are doing us the service of cleaning our atmosphere from greenhouse pollutants that humans are creating. Sometimes the coral reefs are called the rainforest of the sea. Even though coral reefs stretch over less than 1% of Oceans floor, they provide home for more than 25% of marine species and they too have the ability to absorb CO2. In general, the world’s Oceans absorb as much CO2 as rainforests and healthy reefs are playing a very important role in this process. 

But humans often forget that the world’s Oceans are fragile ecosystems and they can’t be mistreated. Overfishing, polluting with plastics and with chemicals are ALL major problems which jeopardise the delicate balance in the Oceans. We chose NOT to BE part of this problem. 

And we want to encourage you to do the same! 

What you can find at Amazinc

Soap, Lip balm, Sunscreen, Body butter