Butterfly Books: Career themed children's picture books

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Children’s books aimed at raising awareness of careers and reducing gender bias.


Our mission 

Our mission is to raise awareness among children of the career options available to them, with the aim of improving diversity and reducing national skills gaps.

As a social enterprise, we reinvest the majority of our profits into achieving our mission.  


Butterfly Books publish career themed children's picture books and was founded by brother and sister duo Kerrine Bryan and Jason Bryan.


Kerrine is a qualified electrical engineer and remembers the misconceptions and lack of knowledge about engineering as a profession when she was at school.

She saw children’s books as a good way of communicating to children a positive message about all kinds of professions, especially STEM careers that are suffering skill gaps and diversity issues. 

It’s important that both children and parents understand that these jobs are available and accessible to them – no matter what gender they are or what background they come from – and that the opportunity is there for the taking if they apply themselves, work hard and want it enough. The world is their oyster.


Our books aim to EDUCATE, INSPIRE and ENTERTAIN.

Educate – by including factual information that addresses misconceptions.  We work closely with professionals in the field of work to ensure that the content of our books is technically correct too.

Inspire – by exposing children to characters they can relate to, doing all kinds of jobs.  The books will open children's minds to the broad range of career options available to them when they are older

Entertain – with colorful illustrations and playful rhyme.  The books are aimed at all children aged between 3 and 7 years old.


Butterfly Books is a UK based independent publishing company.

We have representatives in the UK (London and Birmingham), USA (New York) and Canada (Toronto).

The books are available to buy worldwide.


Children’s books, book bundles, educational books, activities programme, live reading videos