Fat Macy’s: Delicious home cooked food and dining experiences at supper clubs


Social enterprise serving delicious home cooked food and dining experiences at supper clubs, events and offices across London.


Fat Macy’s exists to get young Londoners out of hostels and into their own homes.

Since 2010, there has been a 50% rise in homelessness in England. The problem we are tackling is common - in the current climate, those living in temporary accommodation find it increasingly challenging to save money to move into their own homes.

Fat Macy’s overcomes this by creating a tailored work experience programme for our trainees. We use our profits to create a housing deposit scheme for our trainee. With every event, our trainees can gain real life work experience while saving securely for their futures.

Our trainees volunteer their time at events and in return accumulate credit, which is paid into a secure deposit fund. This is held until they have saved enough for a deposit. At this point, we require a tenancy agreement and an employment contract before we pay the deposit directly to the landlord of their choice.

What you can find at Fat Macy’s:

Supper clubs, events, private catering, sweet treats, hampers, food kits