Kaffeeform: Coffee cups made from recycled coffee grounds


Coffee cups made from coffee grounds and other renewable resources.


The initial idea

Coffee is among the most popular drinks worldwide. With global consumption steadily rising the remainders, coffee grounds, are increasingly available. Kaffeeform was born out of the idea and vision to reuse this alleged waste and create something new and lasting out of it. After years-long research and experiments the unique formula was developed: a durable, versatile material based on recycled coffee grounds and renewable plant-based components – first brought to life in form of design-award winning coffee cups.

Made in Germany

Kaffeeform believes in a social and local production. In Berlin we work with local partners as an independent bike messenger collective and a social workshop for people with disabilities to collect and handle the coffee grounds and to finish and ship our cups. The material is compounded and shaped into coffee cups at two small production sites in rural Germany.

The future

A recycled component is the key part of the innovative Kaffeeform material. Kaffeeform aims to disrupt the common perspective on resources. We have gained profound production and material expertise and can transfer that to other wasted resources, as e.g. wood chips, that can be recycled and turned into well designed everyday objects.


Reusable coffee cups, portable cups and lids, espresso cups, cappuccino cups, latte cups, gift cards