Ksoni: Yes - it's shampoo in a can!


Plastic-free and natural hair care infused with essential oils for an aromatherapy experience.


Ksoni means "Earth" in Sanskrit - and our individual experiences tackling plastic waste and its impact on the earth inspired us to start this business together!

For Joti it was witnessing an immense amount of plastic waste during a dive trip in South East Asia in 2017 after several years working in large consulting firms with huge eco footprints. She returned to the UK with a renewed drive to cut plastic out of her life after seeing first-hand the impact it is having on our beautiful oceans. After making a number of easy changes in the kitchen like cutting out single-use plastic bags and using refillable cleaning products, she realised that there are very limited options to cut plastic in the bathroom, especially in the shower.

For Banasa it was working in health & wellness businesses throughout her career. She observed growing numbers of consumers who wanted to purchase products that made a positive impact on the environment but felt they were lacking in options that actually worked for their diverse bodies or lifestyles. Having made her own natural shampoos and conditioners for several years, she also wanted to overcome the stigma around eco-friendly products being of lesser quality than their mass produced counterparts.

When we first met in 2018, we immediately hit it off and within months had decided we would launch a natural beauty brand together, setting ourselves a huge challenge to launch a 100% plastic-free product, which is no easy feat in the bathroom! From there Ksoni was born.

Check out our range of shampoos, conditioners & body washes housed in aluminium packaging.


Beauty, natural cosmetics, personal care, haircare, shampoo, conditioner, body wash