LittleLamb Nappies: 'Washable nappies are not rocket science'


Affordable modern cloth nappies and accessories with beautiful hand illustrated prints.


Why LittleLamb?

Using reusable nappies will save you heaps of money and will massively reduce your little one's carbon footprint.

Saving money

If you trundle down to your local supermarket and pick up single-use disposable nappies with your shopping you probably will not realise the cost over two and a half years.

NHS Paediatricians suggest that newborns' nappies should be changed 10-12 times a day and older babies about six times, ending with just one nappy being used at night-time. So, just assuming an average of seven changes a day over the nappy wearing career of your baby, you will use about 6300 nappies. In the UK the average branded nappy costs over 18p.

That’s over £1100 just for nappies for each baby.

If you calculate the cost of a birth to potty kit and add the laundering costs (detergent, electricity, water, wear and tear of washing) of £125 over your baby's nappy career and compare to using disposables full-time you save around 50%. If you’re planning more children in the future using Littlelamb nappies will then save you over £950 a baby as you only have the laundry costs. And then you can sell them on Ebay and recoupe a part of your outlay.

Saving the environment

LittleLamb nappies will help to preserve the environment for your baby’s future by not clogging up land fill with over one tonne of disgusting stinking pathogen-leaching disposable nappies. 

With the onset of fortnightly refuse collections do you really want over 100 dirty nappies hanging around in summer? You've got a hectic life and maybe you don't always remember to put out the bin bags on collection day.


It is not just your immediate surroundings that are affected. Take a look at the bigger picture. 

Over 7 million trees are chopped down each year to produce disposable nappies for the UK alone. OK - the trees are grown as a crop but wouldn't it be nice to grow food there instead? Or regenerate a native forest instead?

Reusable nappies use 3.5 times less energy, 8 times less non-renewable materials and 90 times less renewable resources than “disposables.”

Ethically made

All LittleLamb nappies are made in a family run factory in Turkey and are brought into the UK by road freight to ensure that we keep our carbon footprint to a minimum, giving you peace of mind. Also, we computer-cut our nappy patterns to minimise wastage but we are still left with about 10% waste material but as we manufacture in an area with periphery trades all the wastage is recycled, usually into stuffed toys.

We have to compromise on certain aspects of the production though. We don't use local Turkish elastic any more. We import all our elastic from a technical manufacturer in America and now get twice the lifespan.

What can you find at LittleLamb Nappies

Nappies, Baby clothing, Toddler clothing, Baby accessories