Love Welcomes: A creative social enterprise that helps refugee women

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Clothing and fashion products which are more than beautiful, creating jobs for refugee women & transforming lives.


Love Welcomes is a creative social enterprise that helps refugee women begin to stitch their lives back together.

Launched in 2017 it was created in response to the refugee crisis in Greece. Today it works in Greece as well as other locations supporting refugees in camps and those who have been resettled.

Our team of refugee women upcycle materials into beautiful, handmade home products that we sell all over the world. We think big and change one life at a time.


Your purchase creates jobs, which create resources, independence and confidence for refugee women. By investing in women, you are investing in families and you are investing in the refugee community – meaning access to vital services.

Love Welcomes does three things:

1) Provide training and skills to women currently living in the refugee camps in Greece. This process improves self worth and support to the women and provides valuable skills for the future.

2) Employ refugee women in different locations to create beautiful Love Welcomes products. These women are given a liveable wage and a safe and supportive work environment.

3) Provide additional support to refugee communities currently living in camps; this includes access to health and legal support, mother and baby supplies, nutritious food and support for micro businesses.


Cushions, Welcome Rugs, T-shirts, Sweatshirts, Clutches, Heart Ornaments, Embroidered Hoops, Artisan Home Decor, Artisan Fashion Accessories