PomPom: Unusual & imaginative plastic-free designs for kids

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Shop imaginative and unusual plastic-free toys, games and gifts that children will love, play with or use, again and again.


Vision and Mission

Plastic has a devastating effect on the environment, yet it has permeated every part of our lives.

To find good looking and long-lasting plastic free options takes effort, energy and time. It requires planning, preparation and thought. The world is too busy and yet we want to do the Right Thing.

Enter PomPom.

We have done the research to make the plastic free choice for parents convenient without compromising on design, quality or fun.

From product to packaging, we are 100% plastic free and require our suppliers to do the same.

Design is Everything

We hand pick items created by brands that love design and creativity like we do. Our desire to be free from plastic works hand in hand with our aesthetic.

PomPom donates % profits from various products to the Marine Conservation Society to support their tireless work in protection of our UK seas and shorelines in the endless war on plastic.

Who we are:

Cecily Henderson and Katherine Rhodes are old friends, who want a world free from plastic.


Plastic-free toys, games, gifts, homeware for kids and babies, wooden toys, the famous indoor climbing triangle