ROOF: Intelligent survivalist outerwear. Creating opportunity for skills training and jobs


Signature coatbags, smartly designed outwear with integrated sleeping bag


We believe that everyone should have an opportunity for meaningful employment.

We are a South Wales based social mission business focused on educating, employing and enabling homeless people to build a better life for themselves and their families while making a humanitarian product for those in need.

The ROOF INITIATIVE trains and employs homeless men and women to manufacture a coat with integrated sleeping bag. These ROOF COATBAGS are then distributed back to those in need across the UK and beyond. 

Through training and steady employment we enable these individuals to elevate themselves from the cycle of poverty. Within the first few months of working with the ROOF INITIATIVE, every person has the ability to transition from the street or sheltered accommodation into secure and furnished housing; and have a bank account and the independence to start a new phase in their lives. 

The ROOF INITIATIVE focuses on enabling all team members with the confidence and skills needed for a more sustainable, financially stable and healthier life. 

We have trained and helped over 170 people on their way in the past five years and currently employ 10 with plans to take on more as demand for ROOF COATBAGS increases.  We are on track to manufacture and distribute as many ROOF COATBAGS for extreme weather wearers, whether consumers or homeless, as possible this year and beyond.

We distribute our ROOF COATBAGS wherever they are needed and with your support we can impact many through the jobs we create and the coats we make.


Coat, sleeping bag