HISBE: A regular supermarket – operating how it should be


A supermarket in Brighton stoking only local, seasonal and ethical produce and goods, revolutionising grocery shopping


HISBE stands for How It Should Be. We’re not a health food shop. We’re not an exclusively vegan or vegetarian food shop. We’re a regular supermarket – operating how it should be. And we want to transform the food industry by challenging the way big supermarkets do business

We won’t bombard you with hundreds of products all owned by a handful of giant corporations. Call us rebellious, but how many versions of the same cornflake, porridge oat, loo roll and baked bean do we need? It’s all profit, popcorn and propaganda.

Instead, we offer a range of everyday groceries thoughtfully sourced from small, local producers and brands that trade responsibly, fairly and sustainably.

For you, this means healthier and more ethical options. Our suppliers get a fair price for quality products. And we can show the big supermarkets How It Should Be.

So if you care about where your food comes from, then shop with us. Vote with your cash. And let’s become a force for good in food and farming.


FRUIT, MEAT, VEGETABLES, FISH, BREAD, DAIRY. EGGS, GROCERIES, REFILL BAR, nude food, drinks, home and body products, free-from products