hawkins and human: Luxurious organic bamboo pyjamas, sustainably made in Portugal
Products, Fashion, Female Owned, Kids, BabyJessica HaymanProducts, Design, Fashion, Organic, Female, Female owned, womenswear, accessories, Maternity, organic, Baby and Kid
Discovered: An impact marketplace for handmade products ethically crafted by Artisans
Products, Fashion, Fashion Accessories, LivingWageEmployerJessica HaymanProducts, Design, Fashion, Gifts, Accessories, Organic, Tech, Personalised, t-shirt, Tote bag, stickers, Women, womenswear, Diversity, Diverse, accessories, Sustainable accessories, Marketplace, Supporting Women
She Techs: Organic clothing celebrating women in tech with humour and empowerment
Products, Fashion, Female Owned, TechnologyJessica HaymanProducts, Design, Fashion, Gifts, Accessories, Organic, Tech, Personalised, t-shirt, Tote bag, stickers, Female, Female owned, womenswear, Diversity, Diverse, accessories, technology, Sustainable accessories, S
Makara wear: Sustainable swimsuit and apparel brand
Sports, Lifestyle, FashionNohelia RambalProducts, Ethical, Sports, Fashion, Clothing, Accessories, Sportswear, Wellbeing, Fitness wear, Health and Fitness, Sustainable, M, Ethical fashion, Eco friendly fashion, Eco fashion, Sustainable fashion, womenswear
Jenerous: Selling Fair Trade ethical clothing that gives back
Lifestyle, FashionNohelia RambalProducts, Ethical, Fashion, Clothing, clothing, Multi product shop, womenswear, Eco friendly fashion, Baby, Baby and Kid, Kids Clothing, Parent, J, Female owned
Cocoro: We design and produce menstrual pants, both breathable and absorbent
Lifestyle, Fashion, Period and Intimate, Period & IntimateNohelia RambalProducts, Ethical, Fashion, Clothing, Accessories, womenswear, Eco friendly fashion, C, Health, Beauty, Personal Care, Female owned
Saywood: Ethically made clothing, you'll want in your life, always
Lifestyle, Fashion, Female OwnedNohelia RambalProducts, Ethical, Fashion, Clothing, Accessories, clothing, Multi product shop, S, womenswear, Eco friendly fashion, Female owned
VILDNIS: Ethical and eco-friendly fashion with a carefree, edgy vibe
Lifestyle, Products, Fashion, LivingWageEmployerNohelia RambalProducts, Ethical, Gifts, V, eco friendly, Eco friendly fashion, Clothing, Fashion, Clothes, womenswear, Women, London, Living Wage Employer, Organic cotton, Recycled, Fairtrade, Fair Trade
The Goodfound: A marketplace dedicated to sustainable fashion
Products, FashionNohelia RambalProducts, Ethical, Gifts, Fashion, Apparel, Clothes, Accessories, Bags, Marketplace, T, womenswear
VIRIDY: Sustainable and ethical womenswear brand based in the UK
Modibodi: Fashionable, high tech underwear, made for women
Products, Period and IntimateNohelia RambalProducts, Ethical, Gifts, Clothing, Sustainable, Underwear, Shapewear, Activewear, Swimwear, Accessories, Women, Men, underwear, womenswear, M
Heist Studios: The women shaping the future of underwear
Lifestyle, Products, FashionNohelia RambalProducts, Ethical, Gifts, Fashion, Clothing, Sustainable, Underwear, Shapewear, underwear, womenswear, H
Thought: Contemporary, ethical & sustainable style
Lifestyle, Products, FashionNohelia RambalProducts, Ethical, Gifts, Fashion, Clothing, Sustainable, T, Female, womenswear
Beulah: Beautiful garment, empowering vulnerable and trafficked women
Ninety Percent: The sustainable womenswear label sharing 90% of profits
Fashion, ProductsNohelia RambalFashion, Sharing, Profits, Business for good, Women, CLothes, clothing, womenswear, sustainable, ethical, Gifts, N
New Tangier: Traditional Moroccan craft. New design.
International, Products, FashionNohelia RambalFashion, Crafts, Morocco, Bags, Gifts, accessories, womenswear, luxury, N, Supporting Women